Global supply chain woes continue to increase the price of electronic products to varying degrees
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Global supply chain woes continue to increase the price of electronic products to varying degrees

Release time:2022-03-10 09:30 view:179 次

In the global supply chain is difficult to improve, enterprise cost pressure under the background, the recent consumer electronics chip shortage, showing different degrees of price surge.

A global chip shortage is driving up the prices of items like laptops and printers, and could have the same impact on other popular devices such as smartphones, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

As the chip industry scramps to meet rising demand and fill supply gaps, the snowball effect of rising prices is affecting suppliers and key raw materials for chip production, the article said. As a result, many of the world's largest chip makers are raising the prices they charge makers of personal computers and other electronics. Industry insiders say the trend is likely to continue.


In the global supply chain is difficult to improve, enterprise cost pressure under the background, the recent consumer electronics chip shortage, showing different degrees of price surge.

A global chip shortage is driving up the prices of items like laptops and printers, and could have the same impact on other popular devices such as smartphones, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

As the chip industry scramps to meet rising demand and fill supply gaps, the snowball effect of rising prices is affecting suppliers and key raw materials for chip production, the article said. As a result, many of the world's largest chip makers are raising the prices they charge makers of personal computers and other electronics. Industry insiders say the trend is likely to continue.


According to represent many chip maker of nonprofit organization, the world semiconductor trade statistics data, in April this year the global chip sales of nearly $100 billion, a record, and in front of the new champions league outbreak in January 2020, global chip shipments of about $73 billion, reflecting the chip industry has been trying to increase production to meet demand.

In addition, people were spending more time playing computer games during the COVID-19 outbreak, which led to the emergence of a secondary market for Nvidia graphics cards that changed hands for more than the original retail price.

A report by the Institute of International Finance in June argued that supplier delays, which are driving up the cost of manufactured goods around the world, could persist until 2022, adding to global inflation fears. "What is happening is more serious than anything seen in recent history," the report concluded.

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norwayflagnet-Global supply chain woes continue to increase the price of electronic products to varying degrees